PRP Therapy
Plump, hydrate & nourish your skin using your body’s natural nutrients
PRP (aka Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy uses concentrated factors from your own blood to stimulate skin cells to regenerate and rejuvenate. PRP is used to:
Increase collagen and new cell growth
Enhance skin texture and elasticity
Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Correct volume loss (such as under eyes)
Reduce inflammation
Correct stretch marks and scaring
Promote even skin tone and texture
Book a Skin Consultation to see if PRP therapy is right for you.
PRP treatments options
PRP is a versatile treatment that can be delivered using a variety of methods depending on what we are trying to achieve.
At Derm Haus Brisbane, we use a variety of PRP therapies, including:
Skin needling (aka the ‘vampire facial’)
The Vampire Facial is a treatment where the Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is distributed into the skin using a micro-needling device.
PRP injections
PRP injections is a treatment where the Platelet Rich Plasma is injected into areas where dermal filler may have been traditionally used, for example, to smooth lines around the mouth and to increase volume and reduce dark circles under the eyes.
Mesotherapy is a skin needling treatment where PRP is combined with a vitamin and hyaluronic acid cocktail and distributed into the upper layer of your skin.
During a Skin Consultation, your Dermal Therapist will create a personalised treatment plan and discuss which PRP treatment is right for you.
Book a Skin Consultation
Please note: Under the AHPRA & National Boards ‘Guidelines for Advertising a Regulated Health Service’, we are not permitted to share testimonials that mention ‘clinical aspects’ of a patients experience including: symptoms, diagnosis, or outcome.
PRP therapy prices
PRP skin needling session: $550
Treatment includes: PRP distributed into the face, neck and décolletage using a micro-needling device.
PRP injections (tear troughs): $550
Combo: PRP skin needling + PRP injections: $800
Add-on: Healing peptide mask: $30
Take a healing peptide mask home to calm and restore the skin and enhance hydration post-treatment.
PRP hair rejuvenation x 4 sessions: $1,950
PRP skin needling x 2 sessions: $900 (SAVE $200)
PRP skin needling x 4 sessions: $1,600 (SAVE $600)
PRP injections x 2 sessions: $1,000 (SAVE $100)
PRP injections x 4 sessions: $1,950 (SAVE $250)
Combo: PRP skin needling + PRP injections x 2 sessions: $1,500 (SAVE $100)
Combo: PRP skin needling + PRP injections x 4 sessions: $2,900 (SAVE $300)
Book a Skin Consultation
PRP treatment FAQs
PRP stands for Platelet Rich Plasma. PRP skin rejuvenation therapy is a natural treatment that uses your own blood tо hеlр іmрrоvе thе tехturе, quаlіtу аnd fіrmnеѕѕ оf уоur ѕkіn.
During a PRP treatment, a sample of your blood is collected in a tube. The tube is centrifuged (spun) which separates the platelets suspended in plasma from other blood components.
We then take your nutrient-rich PRP or ‘liquid gold’ and inject it back into the layers of your skin. When these platelets come into contact with collagen in the skin they release growth factors that stimulate the production of collagen.
In the weeks and months following treatment, these natural components рrоmоtе ѕеlf-hеаlіng, ѕtіmulаtе collagen production аnd еnсоurаgе nеw ѕkіn growth.
PRP therapy is a versatile treatment that can be used in combination with other skin therapies. One of the most common combinations is PRP with skin needling, which is commonly referred to as a ‘Vampire Facial’.
During a vampire facial, your PRP is injected into key areas of the face using a micro-needling device. These injections spur the production of collagen and the creation of new skin cells, which allow the skin to heal and renew itself, creating smoother, firmer and more youthful skin.
Vampire facials are an effective treatment for many skin concerns including ageing, preventative ageing, scarring, uneven skin tone, and texture.
At Derm Haus Brisbane, we use PRP to treat areas of concern on the face, neck and décolletage. Common treatments include:
Smoothing fine lines, wrinkles and creases
Acne scarring and other superficial scars
Sun-damaged areas and pigmentation
Tightening loose skin.
PRP can also be used in areas where dermal filler may have been traditionally used, for example, to increase volume and reduce dark circles under the eyes.
Your PRP treatment will look different depending on the specific PRP therapy that has been prescribed to you. The steps of a typical treatment will be:
We draw a small amount of blood into tubes (this is a similar process to a standard blood test). The tubes are placed in a centrifuge - a medical device that spins the tubes and separates the platelet-rich plasma from other blood components.
In the meantime, we prep your skin with a gentle cleanser and in some cases numbing cream. Then the platelet-rich plasma is injected back into the treatment area.
Yes - you’ll need to book a Skin Consultation or a Medical Aesthetics Consultation first. This allows our clinicians to provide an assessment and discuss if PRP Therapy is right for you.
Prior to your PRP Therapy treatment, there are some guidelines that you will need to follow to maximise the results and to ensure the treatment can be safely delivered.
Pre-treatment guidelines include avoiding some skin treatments (such as dermal needling, microdermabrasion, and peels) and medications, and keeping hydrated.
For a full list of PRP Pre-Treatment Guidelines, click here.
You may experience some mild discomfort, swelling or redness post-treatment. This should resolve within 24 hours.
Bruising may also occur and the time to resolve varies greatly from person to person.
To enjoy the best results and to avoid any adverse reactions to your PRP treatment, it is important to follow your aftercare instructions which a Registered Nurse or Dermal Therapist will discuss with you during your appointment and provide you with a pamphlet to take home.
For full aftercare instructions, click here to read our blog on PRP aftercare.
At Derm Haus Brisbane, we offer a complimentary 2 week follow-up appointment to assess the results of your PRP treatment.
Many people notice improvements in overall skin appearance 4 weeks after the procedures, however, it can take up to 12 weeks for full results to take effect.
Immediately after the procedure, the injection area will feel tighter and lines and wrinkles will appear minimised. This degree of skin tightening will not last and over the next 4 days your skin will return to normal, however, under the skin the PRP treatment has begun to work its magic making new cells and improving the subsurface layers of the skin.
Please note: results of PRP therapy will vary between patients.
PRP treatments start at $400 per session when bought in a package. See above for full pricelist.
The number of PRP treatments required will depend on your individual needs and concerns, this will be discussed during your initial consultation.
As a general guide, we typically recommend a treatment course of 2 to 4 sessions, with 4 week intervals in between, then a maintenance treatment every 12 months.
After your recommended course of treatments, most clients require a maintenance treatment every 9 to 12 months. Results can last up to 2 years.
Please note: longevity of PRP therapy will vary between patients.
PRP therapy has minimal side effects. The most common side effects are slight redness that can last 1 to 2 hours.
PRP is safe for most individuals and there are few contraindications, however, those with the following conditions are not suitable candidates for PRP treatment procedure:
Platelet disorders and blood disorders
Cancer, chemotherapy or radiotherapy
Acute and chronic infections
Anti‐coagulation therapy
Use of oral corticosteroids within ten days prior to PRP procedure
Pregnancy or breastfeeding
During a Skin Consultation or a Medical Aesthetics Consultation, your clinician will discuss any medications that you are taking, as well as any medical conditions that you may have and will discuss your suitability for the treatment.
If you are unsure if PRP is suitable for you, the best thing to do is to book a Skin Consultation or a Medical Aesthetics Consultation.